"Never say Never"

Birth Date:

May 16th, 1980




"Anything with Bread or Potatoes."

TV Show(s):

"TLC's Trading Spaces."


Card games

Time of the Day:

4:30 PM

Time of the Year:





"Mostly anything, especially alternative."

Highschool Teacher:

Mrs. Warne - Vocal/Music

Best/Worst Subject(s):

Music, Art, English / Science & Math


"Arts & Crafts, Gardening, Reading Books - THIS CLASS!"

First Memory:

"My dad yelling at me to stop running with the broken yardstick as I fell and shoved it down my throat at the age of 2."

First School Memory:

"Mrs. Aughenbaugh and the Letter People."

Highschool Attended:

De Smet Highschool


"Piano & the flute. I was also in Chorus."

Popular Fads:

"Lucky/Silver & Doc Martins."

When I Grow Up, I Want to Be...

A Teacher

First Job:

"Babysitting & Cleaning Houses."

First Time Living Away From Home:

"When I went to NDSU after graduating from highschool."

My Dreams:

"I always wanted to sing, have a beautiful home, a wonderful husband, and children."

Funniest Moment:

"Pulling on my Granpa's belt loops, taking his pants down to his ankles and him not being able to pull them up as the parade wascoming down the street!"

Happiest Moment

"Being with Family, Friends, and Scott."

Most Unforgettable Moment:

"The day my baby sister was born."

Most Important Thing I have Learned:

"You can do anything you put your mind to... Determination and motivation are the keys to success."


Secretary/Order Entry @ Lyle Signs


"Playing Grace in the pageant, Sprit of Six, my highschool accomplishments, and maintaining a high GPA while in college."

Most Important Thing I learned From My Parents:

"Family is very important, work hard, never give up, always treat others how you would want to be treated."

Key to Life:

"Have an inspiration and reach for your dreams."

Advise for Us:

"(For Me: Comprimise, but don't give in!!!) (For Scott: Always listen to Shannon!!!)"


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